Email Me

Ways to email me.

If you wish to email me regarding my teaching/research/work at Ahmedabad University, then please use my work email id: manjil.saikia[at] (I check this email account everyday, non-urgent replies are usually delayed.)

If you wish to email me regarding my work at Gonit Sora, then please use my Gonit Sora email id: manjil[at] (I check this email account everyday, non-urgent replies are usually delayed.)

If you wish to email me regarding any other work related to mathematics or academics, then please use my personal email id: manjil[at] (I check this email account everyday, non-urgent replies are usually delayed.)

I no longer respond to emails sent to any other email ids.

I sometimes segregate my email replies, so you might receive a reply from a different email id than the one you sent your email to.